What we do

Smart Kolibri is specialized in the recruitment and management of global healthcare professionals and experts.

Recruiting busy and hard-to-reach research respondents can be difficult and time consuming.
We help you gain access to the most challenging KOLs and research respondents for your interviews or group discussions and offer tailor made solutions to get you answers to the questions that are important to you.

We offer access to >30,000 global senior healthcare experts

Our network of healthcare experts and professionals covering more than 25 subspecialties enables us to recruit fast and efficiently.
Of course we comply with all national and international regulations and data protection guidelines (e.g. GDPR).


The Smart Kolibri panel includes the following types of experts:

•C-Level respondents (clinical, technical and financial)
•Key Opinion Leaders
•IT Directors and Biomeds
•Physicians from all specialties
•Nurses from all specialties
•And More...

Why is our company called “Smart Kolibri”?

Official version: The hummingbird (or “Kolibri”) is known as a fast, efficient and smart animal. Also, the word “KOLibri” contains the letters KOL.
Unofficial version: We really wanted to have a nice looking and colorful animal for our logo! :-)